Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 179

Day 179 20/6
THERE'S ANTIMONY ARSENIC ALUMINIUM SELENIUM....etc. The only useful thing that an iPad can do.

Day 178

Day 178 19/6
IKEA :) always fun.

Day 177

Day 177 18/6
Monochromatic awesomeness :)

Day 176

Day 176 17/6
The big wet rainstorm is not over.

Day 175

Day 175 16/6
Crazy evil Bran. XD

Day 174

Day 174 15/6
Yes, we were >.<

Day 173

Day 173 14/6

Day 172

Day 172 13/6 heard the sign. Toodleoo.

Day 171

Day 171 12/6
WALLPAPER. Well. On the floor.

Day 170

Day 170 11/6
The toodling of Amy! And of course we wish her the best on her trip :)

Day 169

Day 169 10/6
An awesome evening, with awesome people.

Day 168

Day 168 9/6
Toodleoo, everything! We shredded. A lot. Also this stupid picture is meant to be rotated to the right but it refuses to do so.

Day 167

Day 167 8/6

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 166

Day 166 7/6
Well. This was more interesting at the time..

Day 165

Day 165 6/6
Sam liked my top :) so I thought I'd show y'all.

Day 164

Day 164 5/6
This was kind of amusing. A taxi ended up on the bonnet of this EL.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 163

Day 163 4/6
Also we went to Emma's 21st :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 162

Day 162 3/6
Rachel's car, Stacey's hat, on the way to see Vickie and Sibel and Jordan...and Pauley!

Day 161

Day 161 2/6
Vickie made a frog out of the McDonalds cookie box :P

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 160

Day 160 1/6
Coolest Coles I've ever seen.

Day 159

Day 159 31/5
Toodleoo Wagga :/

Day 158

Day 158 30/5
Brunch in Newtown :)

Day 157

Day 157 29/5
"Yes, this is what Harley cares about, the water." 

Day 156

Day 156 28/5
My favourite windmills in all the land.

Day 155

Day 155 27/5
A fantastic start to the day :)

Day 154

Day 154 26/5
Yes, this is the only photo I took today, sorry, but it's going online.