Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 213

Day 213 24/7
Taco taco taco BURRITO. There was also a photo of us a couple of hours later after many burritos, beers and wines, but this is a much less embarrassing photo.

Day 212

Day 212 23/7
DAY 212. WHAT COULD BE MORE EXCITING? Well, playing PS3 for hours was pretty ....good.

Day 211

Day 211 22/7
Yes, we have shoes. They are different sizes.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 210

Day 210 21/7
A Navara, a Vito, a...what the hell is that?

Day 209

Day 209 20/7
I do love Coles ibuprofen.

Day 208

Day 208 19/7
So, Aidan and Grace and I scaled the scaffolding stairs outside the Menzies building, and what did we find when we reached the top? Penetration, of course.

Day 207

Day 207 18/7
FROSTING. You are now officially crowned.

Day 206

Day 206 17/7
We went to Adelaide...and Germany. And this was the angry ATM.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 205

Day 205 16/7
TWOTWELVE. Oh, yeah. Adelaide won.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 204

Day 204 15/7
IKEA! Yeah, we had fun. :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 203

Day 203 14/7
A fun evening of being a little childish :P

Day 202

Day 202 13/7
This slow cooker was on the floor. If it was risotto you'd have to pick it up off the floor to eat it. And by floor I mean ground.

Day 201

Day 201 12/7
A WINDMILL. I never knew it was in this game! ...okay so I did. I just forgot.

Day 200

Day 200 11/7
On the way home from Fergusson's.

Day 199

Day 199 10/7
Ohhai new job, you're very alcoholic.

Day 198

Day 198 9/7
Dad, on those ridiculous Great Wall cars: "They've come a long way from making tape measures..."
Well yes and no. After all, they did just remodel two old Rodeo models for their utes..

Day 197

Day 197 8/7
There were a lot of pictures from today but the only one I got of the people who went to the zoo was a pretty dodgy picture, and this one is prettier.

Day 196

Day 196 7/7
"Hi, I'm that guy in the car park...I can't park. Clearly."

Day 195

Day 195 6/7
Ohhai, you're old! I kid, I kid. Much love.

Day 194

Day 194 5/7
Dear Lowly, please toodle away from the NCIS soundtracks. Kthxbai.

Day 193

Day 193 4/7
Hello, I'm a coat hanger. Bart is a bowling pin, Flick is a hunchback, Jen...I forget what she is, a crazy dancing blob of some sort, Kim is very well endowed, Bob is the crazy dancing monkey robot and Steph is a floating ghost. Yup. We're way cool.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 192

Day 192 3/7
Many birthday celebrations :)

Day 191

Day 191 2/7
Apparently, this is worth 29 Simoleons. Uh huh.

Day 190

Day 190 1/7
Zach celebrated his first day of teenhood with ... pancakes.

Day 189

Day 189 30/6
Celebration of a birth. Celebration of a life.

Day 188

Day 188 29/6
I thought it would be one of those days. I was a little wrong.

Day 187

Day 187 28/6

Day 186

Day 186 27/6
This....I believe, is a Zombie.

Day 185

Day 185 26/6
Ohhai yard. You're flooded..glad you aren't mine.

Day 184

Day 184 25/6
Technically this was the 25th as it was after midnight, even though it was really a continuation from the previous night.

Day 183

Day 183 24/6
This looked way better in my head, before my phone took a crap picture.

Day 182

Day 182 23/6
A music study today, so here's to my iPod.

Day 181

Day 181 22/6
THANKYOU small heater, for preventing me from freezing to death.

Day 180

Day 180 21/6
I didn't do this....all credit goes to QueenStaceFace and VickieTor.