Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 153

Day 153 25/5

Day 152

Day 152 24/5
Toodleoo placement, welcome back routine once again.

Day 151

Day 151 23/5
Happy 9th Birthday Ryan :)

Day 150

Day 150 22/5
Picnic :)

Day 149

Day 149 21/5
Creativity, cupcakes....and cool people. XD

Day 148

Day 148 20/5
We are incredibly sexy creatures.

Day 147

Day 147 19/5
We finally played the Buzz game from the Family Dinner Box. "Hip to be...replaced."

Day 146

Day 146 18/5
I dunno, this just looked kinda hilarious.

Day 145

Day 145 17/5
Maths class. Back to year 8.

Day 144

Day 144 16/5
AIDAN'S 21ST. And olive dip!

Day 143

Day 143 15/5
This is what happens when I get drunk. I FORGET these sort of things.

Day 142

Day 142 14/5
Xanthe does not start with R. But... RANGA DOES. :O

Day 141

Day 141 13/5
That isn't a word. I'm convinced.

Day 140

Day 140 12/5
"Lemon meringue pie. Or we could get....chips."

Day 139

Day 139 11/5
"It's 2:12."

Day 138

Day 138 10/5
Yeah, I'm cool, I get a badge.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 137

Day 137 9/5
Thanks, avast!, way to screw up my computer. Yeah.

Day 136

Day 136 8/5
Drunken hysteria. And two twelve.

Day 135

Day 135 7/5
Santa-style possum; came down the chimney.

Day 134

Day 134 6/5
COUNTING YOU DOWN. Really...slowly.

Day 133

Day 133 5/5
Five oh five.Traffic signs. MAKE UP YOUR MINDS.

Day 132

Day 132 4/5
See, this one you can't hide from me.

Day 131

Day 131 3/5
Oh, what's this? An oil pressure gauge? I don't have one of these... OH BUT NOW I DO.

Day 130

Day 130 2/5
Flick + me = cooking up a storm. Also known as a pie.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 129

Day 129 1/5
Vickie got a MacBook we played with Photobooth. Naturally.

Day 128

Day 128 30/4
More fun city times, with on-time public transport and Metro workers who lean on trains..