Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 91

Day 91 24/3

Day 90

Day 90 23/3
Melancholy. Memory.

Day 89

Day 89 22/3

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 88

Day 88 21/3
Yawn factory.

Day 87

Day 87 20/3
Fix you.

Day 86

Day 86 19/3
Amy Meredith/Owl City/Cobra Starship ... need I say more?

Day 85

Day 85 18/3
I didn't.

Day 84

Day 84 17/3
Epic what, fail? Yeah. That'd be right.

Day 83

Day 83 16/3
Apparently not..the vending machine was very unimpressed with a $10 note.

Day 82

Day 82 15/3
A sign?

Day 81

Day 81 14/3
I was just walking on one fine wire.

Day 80

Day 80 13/3
PORNSWORD. Happy Jenn's-Party

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 79

Day 79 12/3
One two three. We are just that cool.

Day 78

Day 78 11/3
My hands are small I know, but they're not yours they are my own.

Day 77

Day 77 10/3
A reflection of myself, perhaps? Or merely an empty fuel tank?

Day 76

Day 76 9/3
ANGRY PERCENT ROBOT! I dunno, it was at uni and very amusing.

Day 75

Day 75 8/3
No, it isn't broken, it's just dismantled. (ditto)

Day 74

Day 74 7/3
Stace and I made green pancakes and played Mario Kart, clearly there is no better way to spend a rainy Sunday night! And I beat Princess Stupid Peach, and got a time of 2.12 so it was pretty much unbeatable. (except by Stace who came first)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 73

Day 73 6/3
Yes, this is quite similar to the picture of the storm a few weeks ago, but I'm pretty sure today was worse.

Day 72

Day 72 5/3
Everybody loves cheesecake, and what better way to enjoy it than in the shape of a dog.

Day 71

Day 71 4/3
Oh sure, put the disability office at the top of a staircase. Wheelchair access, anyone?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 70

Day 70 3/3
ZERO. Zero being the amount of dollars I had in my bank account this morning. Zero being the time I can stand to not think about him. Zero being the amount life would matter without a few amazing people in it.

Day 69

Day 69 2/3
Sometimes the light is blinding. Sometimes there is light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we have to go towards the light. Sometimes, the lights shine in the right direction.

Day 68

Day 68 1/3
Welcome back, winter once again. Ah no, not really. Autumn. I just like that song. Haha. Thanks to Stace and Vic for the cake :) and the hilarious time involving Mario, cake, foil, etc...

Day 67

Day 67 28/2
Landing back in reality, with an M&M (almost) fag flag to remind me of what I had to temporarily leave.

Day 66

Day 66 27/2
So much to do, so much to say. New hair, awesome family, beautiful view. Beautiful people, I think that was the theme for today. And since I got no photos of Marissa, here we are instead. Yes I know, it isn't the most flattering photo but still!

Day 65

Day 65 26/2
So long every bankfees, toodleoo!

Day 64

Day 64 25/2
In Sydney I met a pigeon, and fed it some Vegemite sandwich.

Day 63

Day 63 24/2
So yes, the most interesting thing about today was the $212 at work. Haha. Apologies for crap picture.