Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 366

Day 366 24/12
Yes, technically a Project 365 goes for 365 days, but I thought screw that, I'm putting today as well. This was a random picture of some of the family I spent time with today.

Yes, it was a good day. Yes, I'm now 20. Yes, I already posted that on my other blog. Whoops.
It would seem that this brings to a close my Project 365, and I applaud whoever is still reading this - and apologise for it probably being boring.
I'll decide what to do with it, whether I keep randomly putting up photos or whether I just do that on my normal blog. Who knows.

So long everybody,


Day 365

Day 365 23/12
You can't quite see it, but Mirko and I changed all of these clocks in Dick Smith to say 2:12..because we really are that cool.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 364

Day 364 22/12
Totally got to Rachel's at 2:12.

Day 363

Day 363 21/12
So again we went to see these Christmas lights, conveniently they will be up until some time in January because this year is their last. I also managed to break Mirko's iPhone screen..

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 362

Day 362 20/12
Today I fitted my new chrome-buttoned t-bar handle, chrome nut, custom silver transmission surround AND properly fitted my aerial switch. I feel quite accomplished and I'm pretty happy with the results.

Day 361

Day 361 19/12
So, I didn't actually take this, but it ended up on my phone so I figured that was good enough. This was at Kim's Christmas party.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 360

Day 360 18/12
I came home, and we had these. It was pretty :)